Saturday, 23 May 2020

EVS Summer Holiday Homework

EVS Summer Holiday Homework
Summer Holidays are for fun and frolic. It’s the time to relax and enjoy with your family.
These five weeks of Summer Holidays is a great time to also revise all concepts we learnt during the last two months.
For these five weeks there are five EVS Activities planned for you.

Week 1 Activity Link

Week 2 Activity Link

Week 3 Activity Link

Week 4 Activity Link

Week 5 Activity Link

I hope you enjoy doing these worksheets and activities with your parents.
Enjoy and have fun my dear students.

Friday, 22 May 2020

Week 7 -EVS-Post 3-Class-KG-D-Pooja Guglani-SCS

Topic – Summer Season (continued)
Learning Outcomes-

The learner will be able to

# revise and revisit the concepts

related to the summer season.
# complete the pages of the EVS

# enjoy listening to a rhyme song

about summer season.

Dear students,

As your Summer Vacation is

starting, I have a very

interesting and peppy rhyme song

about SUMMER.

Click on the video below.

I hope you enjoyed the video.

Try to learn this rhyme song

with actions in your holidays.

Look at the following Vocabulary

Cards to revise some words

related to SUMMER.

It’s now time to complete Page 

No. 87 of the EVS Workbook 

with the help of your parents.

Dear Parents,

1. Kindly revise the lesson and encourage your child to learn the words from the Vocabulary Cards.
2. You may make a short recording of your child speaking 5 sentences about the Summer season and mail the same on my official mail id. 

Thank you for your co-operation. 

Thursday, 21 May 2020

Week 7 -EVS-Post 2-Class-KG-D-Pooja Guglani-SCS

Topic – Summer Season
Learning Outcomes-

The learner will be able to

# list weather conditions of summer 

# name the different food items, 

drinks etc. that people eat or drink in 

the summer season
# name the kinds of clothes worn 

and activities done in summer.

Good Morning dear students,

In the last lesson we learnt about 

different seasons.

In this lesson we will learn about 

Summer Season  in detail. 

Click on my recorded video below.

I hope you enjoyed my video.

Happy summer!

It’s now time to complete Page 

Nos. 84 and 86

 of the EVS Workbook 

with the help of your parents.

Dear Parents,

1. Kindly revise the lesson and encourage your child to speak about the food items and drinks he likes to eat/ drink in the Summer Season.
2. You may make a short recording of the same and send it to me on my official mail id. 

Thank you for your co-operation. 

Tuesday, 19 May 2020

Week 7 -EVS-Post 1-Class-KG-D-Pooja Guglani-SCS

Topic – Seasons
Learning Outcomes-

The learner will be able to

# name and identify the five 

# tell two sentences about each 


 Good Morning dear students,

How are you all today?

Today we will learn about SEASONS.

Do you know what are seasons?

In the whole year, there are

Months when you feel very hot

and there are some months when

you feel very cold. There are also

some months where it rains very


So depending on the weather

conditions the year is divided into

five main seasons.

They are



Rainy season or Monsoon



Let us watch a video about

different seasons.

Click on the link below

 Now it’s time for some FUN!

Picture Reading Activity

Look at the flash cards of different 

seasons below and speak two 

sentences about each Season!


Dear Parents,

1. Kindly revise the lesson and encourage your child to speak two sentences about different seasons.
2. You may make a short recording of the same and send it to me on my official mail id. 

Thank you for your co-operation. 

Friday, 15 May 2020

Week 6 -EVS-Post 3-Class-KG-D-Pooja Guglani-SCS



Learning Outcome-

The students will be able to recall 

all work done and identify/write 

the correct answer.

 Good Morning dear students,

How are you all today?

Today is your EVS FA-1.

Click on the correct options and 

submit the form with the help 

of your parents.

Click on the link below:

Dear Parents,

Please help your child to use 

the GOOGLE FORM but do not 

answer for him. When all 

the answers are done, help your 

child to press the SUBMIT icon 

at the bottom. 

Use CAPITAL LETTERS only when 

they TYPE the answer. 

Please remember to write the NAME 

of your child.

Thursday, 14 May 2020

Week 6 -EVS-Post 2-Class-KG-D-Pooja Guglani-SCS

Topic – My Classroom

Learning Outcomes-
The learner will be able to 
# watch a video about the things 

found in the classroom and in school.
identify and name various things/ 
furniture found in the classroom. 

complete the exercises in the 

EVS workbook.

Good Morning dear students,
Hope you’re all well and keeping safe.

In the previous lesson we learnt 

about our school. 

Today we will learn about our 


I’m sure you all are very excited and 

eager to come to school and be 

in your classroom to learn, read, 

write and draw.

So let us learn the names of  
different things that you may 

see or use in your classroom. 

Click on the video below.

I hope you enjoyed the video. 

It's time to complete 
Page Nos. 24 and 25
in your EVS Workbook now.

Please revise and practice speaking 

aloud the names of the things you 

see in these pages with the help

 of your parents.

Dear Parents,
Kindly encourage your child to learn the names of things seen and used in the classroom.
Thank you for your co-operation. 

Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Week 6 -EVS-Post 1-Class-KG-D-Pooja Guglani-SCS

Topic – My School

Learning Outcomes-
The learner will be able to 
# tell the name of his school 

correctly in a sentence.
# tell the name of his Class  

Teacher, Headmistress, School  

Principal, etc., in full sentences.
# watch a teacher’s recorded video 

to practice the same.

Good Morning dear students,

How are you all today?

Even though these days you are not 

in school, but it’s fun to learn about 

your school.

Can you see the picture below?

Yes you are right ! This is your 

school picture.

I’m sure by now you all know that 

you are in class KG D and the name 

of your class teacher as well. 

Click on my recorded video below 

and let’s learn more about our 


I hope you liked my video.

Now with the help of the following 

Speech Cards, practice saying these 

sentences with the help of your 


Always remember what I told you in my video...

It's time to complete Page No.23 

in your EVS Workbook now

Dear Parents,

1. Kindly encourage your child to learn to speak the given sentences about his school.
2. You may make a short recording of the same and send it to me on my school mail id. 

Thank you for your co-operation. 

Saturday, 9 May 2020

Week 5 -EVS-Post 3-Class-KG-D-Pooja Guglani-SCS

Topic – Mother's Day

Learning Outcomes-
The learner will be able to 
#present a'Thank You' message 
for his mother.(2-3 Sentences)     
#enjoy listening to and reciting the 

rhyme with actions.

Good Morning dear students,

How are you all today?

Mother’s are special ! Yes they are.
Do you know Mother’s Day 
is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday 
of the month of May and that is 

on the 10th of May this year. 

Do you LOVE your mommy?
I am sure you LOVE her a lot!
 Its time to let your mother

know how much you LOVE her.
Think about what 
you want to tell your mother 
to make her feel special 
for all that she does.
Look at the SPEECH CARD below.

Now with the help of your father 

get ready to speak these sentences 
with a big SMILE.
I hope your mother likes it.

Time to RECITE and have FUN !
Recite and enjoy the rhyme with 

your mother.

You may make a card for your mom 

using 'Finger Printing' as shown 

below. Take help from your father.

Dear Parents,

1. Kindly encourage your child to prepare the ’Thank You’ Message, make a short recording of the same and send
it to me on my school mail id.
2. Revise and enjoy the rhyme with your child.
3. Please stick the Mother's Day Card in the EVS Notebook.

Thank you for your co-operation. 


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