Wednesday, 29 April 2020

Week 4-EVS-Post 1 -Class-KG-D-Pooja Guglani-SCS

Topic – Good Habits

Learning Outcomes-

The learner will be able to 
# know and understand the 

meaning of a habit.
# learn about a few good habits.

Good Morning dear students,

How are you all today?

Do you know what is a HABIT? 
Let us find out...! 

Click on my recorded video below. 

I hope you liked my video. 
Let’s revise and speak about some

Tell your parents what good 

habits you follow daily.   

I hope you all 
have your EVS workbooks... 

· Open Page No. 13 of your 
   EVS workbook. 

· Write the date on top.

· Draw a smiley with the help of 

your parents for the good habits.
Page No.13

Dear Parents,

1.      Please write the name and class of your child with your comments about the post in the comments section.
2.       Kindly revise the good habits with your child.

Thank you for your co-operation. 

Monday, 27 April 2020

Week 3-EVS-Post 3-Class-KG-D-Pooja Guglani-SCS

Topic-Staying clean.
Keeping germs away!

Learning Outcomes-
The learner will be able to 
#know and understand that germs are harmful for our body and though germs may not be seen, they are there.
#learn that washing hands with soap helps us get rid of germs.

Dear Students,
Good Morning!
Today I want you to know something very important.
Listen to your parents as they read aloud the following for you.

Rohan is a clever boy.
He doesn’t let germs go in his mouth, nose or eyes.
He often washes his hands, takes bath every day and wears clean clothes.

Now I hope you all can learn from Rohan !
Stay germ free! Stay healthy!

Now it’s time to write!

I hope you all have your EVS 


So let’s start…

·         Open Page No.8 of your EVS workbook.

·         Write the date on top.

·         Match the correct pictures with 

     the help of your parents.

Page No.8

Dear Parents,

1.        It’s all right in case you don’t have the EVS workbook.
2.      You may practice this work with your child on loose sheets of paper and preserve the same in a folder.(date wise)
3.      Please write the name and class of your child in the comments section.

Thank you for your co-operation. 

Friday, 24 April 2020

Week 3-EVS-Post 2-Class-KG-D-Pooja Guglani-SCS

Topic – My Body 

Learning Outcome-

The learner will be able to 

play a game about the number of 

different body parts. 

(integration with math concepts)

Good Morning dear students,

Hope you all are keeping well ...

We have already learnt about 

our body and the names of 


In your Math lessons you have learnt 

about numbers 1 and 2.

So let’s have some fun!


Let's say "THUMBS UP!"

Now it’s time to write!

I hope you all have your EVS 


So let’s start…

·         Open Page No.9 of your EVS workbook.

·         Write the date on top.

·         Circle the correct picture with 

     the help of your parents.

Page No.9


·         Now open Page No.10 of your E.V.S. 

workbook and write the date on top.

·         Fill in the boxes. 

Page No.10

Parents-kindly assist your child to 
complete the two pages.

Dear Parents,

1.        It’s all right in case you don’t have the EVS workbook.
2.      You may practice this work with your child on loose sheets of paper and preserve the same in a folder.(date wise)
3.      Kindly revise the names and functions of the body parts with your child.
4.     Please write the name and class of your child in the comments section.

Thank you for your co-operation. 

Wednesday, 22 April 2020

Week 3-EVS-Post 1-Class-KG-D-Pooja Guglani-SCS


Learning Outcomes-
The learner will be able to 
#watch the video presentation and understand the meaning of EARTH DAY.
#tell two ways to show that we care for the Earth. 
#listen to and enjoy the song, thanking God for our planet Earth. 

Dear Students,
Good Morning!
Today is a special day!

Click below on my video to get to know!

I hope you enjoyed the presentation.

Now let us revise two ways to show that we care for the Earth.
1.         Take care of plants!
2.       Always throw trash in the bin.
I am sure you all will do it to keep our Mother Earth 

I shall end the lesson with a beautiful song titled – “Mother Earth! “
Sing along with actions to celebrate Earth Day!
Click below...

Have fun!
You are requested to make a short video(if possible) of your child saying the following sentences 
1.          I love Mother Earth!
2.        I will take care of plants.
3.        I will throw trash in the bin.
and mail me on my Email address.

This is an OPTIONAL activity. 
The child can hold a small plant 
in his hand while saying 
these sentences followed by his name.

For the parents
Dear Parents,

Kindly find attached below a SHORT ASSESSMENT.
·         This assessment is very simple and reviews the teaching/ learning process of the last week.
·         Help your child to use the Google form but please don't answer for him.
·         Help him identify the letter on the keyboard and also to gently choose the options on the form.
·         It is our responsibility to ensure that children take advantage of technology and not misuse it.
·         When all the answers are done, help your child to press the Submit icon at the bottom.
·         Please don't forget to write the name of your child in the first line of the form.
·         Please get used to this as this will be the way all assessments will be done for a while.

Please click the link below to access the form.

Thank you for your co-operation. 

Monday, 20 April 2020

Week 2-EVS-Post 3-Class-KG-D-Pooja Guglani-SCS

Topic – My Body and my Body Parts

Learning Outcome-

The learner will be able to 

tell what all our body parts 

help us to do. 

Good Morning dear students,

How are you all today?

Hope you all are enjoying our lessons...

In the previous lesson we learnt 

about our body parts.

Our body is special and our 

different body parts help us to 

do different things.

Listen to this poem

where I tell you 

what all our different body parts 

help us to do!

Click below...!

Dear Parents,

These are the lyrics of my poem

for your reference.

Hope you enjoyed the poem.


1. Stand in front of a mirror.

2. Point at your different body parts.

3. Speak loudly what the body parts 

help you to the picture below!

Now its TIME to PLAY a GAME...

We have different animals who 

are here to play a game with you!

So let’s enjoy this fun game!

Follow the instructions!

I’m sure you can do it! 

Dear Parents,

1.      Please write the name and class of your child with your comments about the post in the comments section.
2.       Kindly revise the names and functions of the body parts with your child
3.      Make short videos of the oral activities/ poem recitations.
Thank you for your co-operation. 



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